
Many people have stories to tell. But like Scarlett O’Hara, they put off until tomorrow the stories they could write today. Facing the blank page alone is too intimidating.

writing materials on tableHere’s what I know: writing in community, in a safe and sacred space, gives you the courage to tell your truth, creates the magic that allows powerful stories to emerge. Writing, especially writing with abandon, can reveal things we didn’t know we knew, insights that enrich our understanding of who and where we are.

Insightful surprises—that’s one gift a writing community can give you. The other is support, in the form of people who “get it.”

Go ahead. Say yes to your writing. Reacquaint yourself with the writer within. The one yearning for time and space to write. The one seeking clarity about what to write next. The one who wants others to connect, wholly and deeply, to the meaning you are cobbling together.

Claim your space. Own your true, original voice. You are welcome here…at a weekend retreat, a Saturday afternoon workshop, a once-a-week class.

You create a thoughtful, nurturing space for would-be writers to tame their inner critic.—L.D.
